
Fashion, Food, Travel

I intended to write on the daily – but I have been running around with three cameras and have found it quite difficult not to sleep as soon as I hit my hotel room.

On the 7th, my sister and I boarded an afternoon flight to Mexico City in order to catch up with my parents and my brother. As soon as we got seated in the restrooms (not really but close enough), we started a new T.V. series called Orphan Black – which I highly recommend. Tatiana Maslany takes on over five roles and gives acting challenges a whole new meaning.

Once we got to Mexico City and the Fabulous Five were reunited, we hopped on two more flights. Our second stop was in Paris and let me tell you, as a fashion major, that airport is quite a treat – so many stores, so many coffee shops. Our third and final stop was Venice and we couldn’t be more excited to finally arrive after 24+ hours of travel.

On our first day, we took the time to relax and wine’n’dine at a local restaurant called Il Nuovo Galeon. My favorite dish would have to be my mom’s four cheese pasta. It was like falling in love with mac and cheese all over again. For dessert we walked next door to Gelato Crystal to buy some fior di latte gelato. What’s visiting Italy without having some gelato?

Yesterday, our second day, we woke up early and went on a private tour. I am not usually a fan of tours simply because having a photographic eye, I constantly find myself drifting off from the group and taking pictures – but this tour was very enjoyable. The woman who was our tour guide was born and raised in Venice, so she was able to take us through back alleys and into other plazas other than Piazza Di San Marcos which weren’t as tourist-packed.

We began the tour at Piazza Di San Marcos just to touch base on what we had learned our first time there, then toured around and saw theatres, libraries and local shops. We walked by a shop that had handmade gowns that people wear to Carnaval and I completely fell in love with this designer’s work. During this walk around the city I quickly realized how easily it is to spot nationalities by forms of dress. Japanese street fashion takes the trophy so far.


Once we finished the tour, we went to Do Forni – one of our favorite restaurants in Venice – and had lunch. Dish recommendations at Do Forni would easily have to be the Grilled Octopus and Celery salad and the Lamb and Potato main dish. The lamb is slowly and perfectly cooked to the point where the meat comes right off the bone. If you are not a fan of gamey meats, I would not recommend the lamb.

After lunch, my mom headed back to the hotel and my siblings and I went off to explore the streets (or allies, rather) with my dad. Never in my twenty-one years of life have I seen my dad purchase anything for himself. On this magical day, I witnessed my dad buy his all-time favorite shoes, Tod’s. It was quite satisfying in my eyes – even more satisfying than buying myself a pair of shoes.


To end the day, we went to the MET restaurant at our hotel where we had a reservation. Guests are offered two options – the traditional six-course meal or the contemporary six-course meal. My momma and I had the traditional menu and the rest of the clan had the contemporary menu. Personally, I preferred the traditional all the way through the fifth course – but the dessert from the contemporary menu won. The dessert is a thin layer of panna cotta with a light mango puree filled “yolk” and chocolate bits.

This morning, I woke up at six a.m. in order to go to Piazza Di San Marcos early enough for it to be completely vacant and have the amazing morning natural light for photography. I sat at a closed café and people-watched for about an hour. I watched the locals clean the patios of their stores, have their morning coffee and catch up with their fellow neighbors.

I proceeded to a hotel, which had a beautiful terrace facing the water and had coffee, fruit and a mini croissant as I wrote one of my friends a post-card. Who doesn’t love snail mail? This morning was complete bliss – a photographic stroll, coffee and writing (in Venice).

Snail Mail

Susana, our tour guide, picked us up in order to head to an island called Murano. The boat ride to this island was approximately twenty minutes. When we arrived, we were taken to a Murano factory/gallery. Now, you may be thinking technology-based machines – but this factory only contains huge ovens where the artists grab melted murano glass in order to shape it for desired pieces. They lead us into one of the oven rooms and gave us a demonstration of how a murano piece is made. It is such a delicate and quick process. They lead us into the gallery after the demonstration where there was about five rooms filled with murano pieces of all sizes, colors, and themes.


After finishing up in Murano, we headed to Burano. I was in complete awe of this island – I had never been in such a photographical place in my life. This island consists of countless homes of all colors. Burano seems like a very lonely town with not much to do, but for a photographer it may or may not look like a theme park – so many windows, doors and balconies to photograph. Susana took us to a local bakery where we were given a piece of their famous bussola cookie.


Upon arrival in Torcello, we had a quick appetizer and bellini at Locanda Cipriani’s garden where Hemingway used to stay. Fun fact: Cipriani invented the bellini.

Today was a short day due to the fact we needed to be back at our hotel by three in order to head to the cruise and check in. It was the Fabulous Five, ten pieces of luggage and one vaporetto (water taxi) arriving at the dock. We went into the check-in area and were handed our cabin keys in order to pass through security and board the ship.

After being lead to our rooms, we were introduced to our butler for this trip, Wilson (he’s awesome). My parents came into our cabin and we sat down and decided on the excursions we will partake on during the cruise. A couple of minutes later we did the typical lifeboat drill and then went to dinner. It is eleven p.m. and the boat has set sail to our first destination.

This marks the end up the Venice chapter. I think I enjoyed this stay in Venice more than the first time because the things we did were more local than tourist (other than the Murano tour). Our tour guides were spectacular, our hotel was precious and although we were short on time, nothing felt rushed – everything was more than enjoyable.

This is what I leave you with for now – but I will be posting a photo journal post and more updates. To keep up, follow my Instagram here.


The Vagabond


Fashion, Travel

If you’re like me, you like to pack enough items in order to have various outfit options on your trips. When asked if I consider that I overpacked my answer is always, “No – my suitcase is under 50 lbs. and I have enough options in case of weather changes, mood changes or itinerary changes.”

Once a year, my family takes a month long vacation and my biggest challenge is fitting four week’s worth of clothes and shoes in one suitcase. It is safe to say this is the only thing I plan days ahead of time.

This post is to share the packing strategy which has been the most effective for my personal needs and I decided to make a brief checklist for all my readers as a form of advice on items to take based on past experiences (to print out the checklist- click on the link to download the PDF). Travel Checklist

Travel Checklist

My whole packing process revolves around my itinerary. Once I receive my itinerary, I begin to google search my destinations (and begin to daydream and plan Instagram posts, duh).

After I have researched the weather and activities I will partake on, I begin to brainstorm outfits. I may or may not make a mood board every time I pack… #FashionMajorProbs. In this case, I will be going on a cruise (destinations are still being kept a secret) and traveling to places where I will go on many tours.

First thing that came to mind was comfortable shoes and lightweight clothing items. This trip has made me appreciate the fact that most of the clothes I own are neutral colors – which are easy to match with everything. The color scheme I have chosen includes neutrals and powder pinks and blues. By choosing a color scheme I have found it easier to pack because it narrows down my shoe selection and I can mix and match most items. I have packed a linen blazer, a light denim jacket, two pairs of jeans (one light and one dark wash), two shorts, three other pants, four  sundresses, two cocktail dresses and enough tops to reach my last destination where I intend to shop. I have also chosen a pair of brown and pewter sandals, my white classic adidas, white slip-ons and a pair of nude heels – so 5 pairs of shoes total.

If you’re as picky about your Instagram posts as me, take the extra time to look up pictures of your destinations and plan what you’re wearing at every destination (you have to take advantage of these sights, am I right?).

Essentials Due to the countless posts that are to come in the next months, I feel the need to shout-out a couple of people. First and foremost, ASOS. If you are a constant ASOS shopper in the US like I am, sign up from their VIP membership here. For $30 a year, you are given free two-day shipping, early access to sales and exclusive sales for their premier customers.

My second shout-out is to Lush Cosmetics. For those of you who know me – I have troubled and sensitive skin. Earlier last month I walked into Lush and asked a sales representative to help me find items to take on my trip for my type of skin. She made me a three part skincare combo that has worked wonders on my skin. The three items I purchased were: a cleanser called Angels on Bare Skin, a toner called Breath of Fresh Air and a moisturizer called Vanishing Cream. I am completely in love with these products and would recommend them to anyone with skin like mine. I have tried countless acne treatments and have found that the more natural the product, the better my skin looks and feels.

My last shout-out is to Courtney Weston aka Always Rooney. Visit her Etsy shop to find adorable passport covers, wallet covers and pouches.

Stay tuned lovelies- amazing adventures start on the 7th!


The Vagabond

Dear Woman…


Dear Woman

“dear woman, sometimes you’ll just be too much woman. too smart. too beautiful. too strong. too much of something that makes a man feel like less of a man, which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman. the biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry. when this happens, i need you to understand, you don’t need a smaller crown – you need a man with bigger hands.”

Denim For Days.


As my time at 7 for All Mankind comes to an end (possibly temporarily), I thought it would be a great idea to post an overview of my experience. This has been my second retail job as Urban Outfitters was my first. Although I was hired under the same position in both companies, the experiences were completely different.

My journey with 7FAM was quite unexpected. I had been searching for a job – not necessarily a particular one – and had begun to lose hope. I think a lot of people can relate to my frustration in job applications when it comes to the “experience required” section. Where is one supposed to get experience when most (if not all) jobs require experience? Most of my experience in the fashion industry comes from school/summer school and extra-curricular activities (e.g. styling and fashion show production courses in New York, fashion core classes in college and personal photography portfolio build up). When it comes down to job applications, it has not seemed to help much.

I was at the beach with my friends when I got a phone call from Michele (my current DM) for an in-store interview the following Wednesday. I touched up on a few of the current denim trends, got interviewed, and within a week, I was already receiving my denim uniform pair and began training. The first difference I noticed from my past job was that it was not as chaotic. Now, don’t be confused. This store can and usually is chaotic but it is most definitely the most organized chaos I have ever dealt with. Because the store is boutique sized, it is much easier to keep everything visually appealing.

I work about 25 hours a week on average and am considered a part-time sales associate. I have learned everything from visual merchandising to shipment/transfers to management. My favorite, of course, has been visual merchandising. What intrigues me the most is that customers don’t realize how the placement of products affects sales and their decision making process. I have learned how to strategically place items, balance color schemes, use the company’s guidelines to set up mannequins/visuals and obviously keep the store tidy and welcoming.

I am eternally grateful for all of the lessons I have learned thanks to this job. If I have any advice for college students going into retail jobs it is to make sure that the company you are being employed by respects your hours and understands that you need to have time for yourself. I recommend 7FAM to anyone who is looking for a job that allows you to practice time management (Warning: You will never see denim the same, ever).

Now, tomorrow marks my last day at 7FAM South Beach and it’s safe to say I will miss my coworkers. I am leaving this job because my little brother graduates on Friday and a week after my family and I will embark on a month-long trip that I am STOKED about. That being said, stay tuned for a Travel Tips post soon!

DIY: Incense Holder

Art, DIY

Incense Holder

I am here to share a quick and easy way to make an incense holder. My sister and I are incense junkies and I decided to surprise her tonight with this DIY in order to relieve stress.

Materials (All can be found at Michaels): Materials

  • Glass Jar
  • Rope
  • Charms
  • Beads
  • Thin Jute String
  • Jar Filling Of Your Choice (I chose to fill mine with sand and shells.)

Process: Shells   First, pick your poison. You must pick the charms that will hang from the top of the jar and the gems you are going to place inside the jar. The amount of charms depends on how many strings you want to add to your jar. I wouldn’t pick too many simply because you want to be able to see what you have placed inside the jar.

My Poison

I chose these three shells, a moon, an anchor, a leaf, a tree and a hamsa as my statement piece.

Scorpio Gems

Scorpio Gems

Next, cut your jute string according to the length of your jar and your rope according to the circumference of the mouth of the jar. I chose to cut my jute string in various lengths in order to add variety. Once you have cut your strings, you can begin to bead them. Make a knot at one end of the string and mix n’ match your beads and charms. String After you have beaded your string, tie the other end to one of your ropes. Proceed by tying the piece of rope around the mouth of your jar and repeat this process until all your strings are tied. Sand Now, begin to fill your jar! You can fill your jar with pebbles, gems, marbles or sand. Once you have filled about a quarter of it, add the trinkets you chose as fillers. The items I chose to fill my jar with were sand, shells and little jars of crystals based on my zodiac sign. Lastly, place them inside the jar leaving enough space to stick your incense in. Placement You now have your very own personalized incense holder! My favorite incense scent is myrrh – it’s not too strong and is very soothing. For those of you who live in Miami, I highly recommend a place called 9th Chakra on Alton and Lincoln that sells crystals and incense. I go very often because they get some amazing pieces every once in a while. Myrrh Incense Now light up your incense and enjoy your creation. Two more home decor DIYs coming this week, so stay tuned. Goodnight!

Top 5 Restaurants in Miami


During Spring Break, my best friend came into town and, well, we both love food. What would a visit to Miami be without trying the delicious food the city has to offer? I have narrowed down my long list of favorite restaurants to five.

1. Juvia

Juvia Miami

If you are in the mood to treat yourself in Miami, Juvia is the place to go. Juvia is an asian fusion restaurant located on Lincoln Rd. where tourists can stop by after a long day of beach bumming. Visitors at Juvia are in for an extraordinary experience from the get-go thanks to the amazing vertical garden located at the entrance. I would recommend to make a reservation at 6pm. which is when they reopen the restaurant for dinner. By doing so, you and other guests will be able to enjoy a breathtaking sunset accompanied by a cocktail and a delicious dish. My favorite dishes so far have been: Salmon Nashi, Wagyu Short Rib Gyozas and the Tuna Poke. To take a glance at their menu, click here.

2. CVI.CHE 105


CVI.CHE 105 (or Ceviche 105) has two locations in Miami, one in Brickell and the other in Miami Beach. Ceviche 105 offers one of Miami’s best Peruvian cuisines. So far, my favorite dishes are Ceviche Seafood Orgy, Peruvian Botija Olive Sliced Octopus Tiradito and the Passion Fruit Mousse. I had always heard a lot about this local restaurant and how great the food was but never got around to visiting until my best friend came into town. All I have to say is that  CVI.CHE 105 does not disappoint. Very fresh in both the cuisine and the atmosphere.

3. gigi


Two words for you, comfort food. What’s the best part of this restaurant? Its location and hours. Ever find yourself struggling to get some food in before hitting the nightlife? Well, here’s some good news for you. gigi closes at 3 am. Head over to gigi around 12, have a late dinner and get in a couple of drinks and then hit Midtown bars/clubs. Bardot is right next door and Gavanna is 3 min. away. Recommended dishes: Duck Confit Buns, Tuna Poke and the Cornbread. Don’t forget to order a mini soft serve cone (precious and delicious). Click here for a peak of their menu.

4. Cecconi’s


Cecconi’s is located on Alton under Soho Beach House and is a great brunch spot. This restaurant has always been a family favorite due to the variety in food and atmosphere. If you are a fan of guac (like me), let it be the first thing you order. I highly recommend their thin pizzas, the avocado and poached egg (from their brunch menu) and the quinoa salad with corn, tomato and hearts of palm. Cecconi’s is the one place my sister and I go to when we have really strong sweet cravings. Cecconi’s is home to my favorite (literally my favorite) dessert ever, the panna cotta. Don’t ask questions, just order it.

5. Sugarcane


Lastly, Sugarcane, another family favorite. This South American-influenced restaurant is located in Midtown District. One thing I really enjoy about Sugarcane is the size of their dishes – perfectly small enough to try more than one. I recommend to order a little bit of everything and set it all at the center of the table so that you and the rest of the guests can experience these exotic dishes and artisanal cocktails. My favorite dishes are the Duck and Waffle, Goat Cheese Croquettes, Crunchy Tuna Roll, American Wagyu Sliders and the Beet Salad. When eating, I beg of you to leave some space for dessert. Order the Torrejas, you can thank me later.

P.S. Did you notice all the waiters are wearing red converse? Aha.

Food, Friends, Music and More Food.

Art, Fitness, Food, Music

I started off my week by finally testing out my new gym, David Barton. I kind of felt like the new girl at school; doesn’t know where anything is and spends most of her time walking around like a crazy person. Regardless, I had a pretty good workout. All their machines are brand new and are top of the line (most machines count your reps, what?). Thumbs up, David Barton. Also, across the street from the gym there is a Whole Foods with a JugoFresh bar at the entrance. JugoFresh is a delicious local juice bar that offers smoothies, bowls, salads and more raw foods. I tried out the summer chia juice which I only recommend to people who enjoy the taste of ginger because it is the most dominant taste of the ingredients. To find out if there is a JugoFresh located near you, click here.

summer chia

During the week, I furthered my research on job opportunities. I am hoping to land a job in a marketing company because I feel like I would learn things you wouldn’t necessarily learn in a retail job. I consider a marketing job a great opportunity to devote all this free time to since it is more time consuming due to the constant events and projects. Once I move and start school, I will go back into retail.

This week I was Texas-sick (it’s like being homesick but for Texas). This all started by going grocery shopping and missing southern hospitality and HEB’s prices. During this shopping trip: I had Uber’ed my way to the grocery store, got pushed and screamed at by an old man there, quickly became depressed by prices, couldn’t find all my items and also had to ask someone to let me charge my phone because without it, I couldn’t ask Uber for a ride home with 8 grocery bags and flowers. Once I finally made it home I unloaded groceries and waited for my sister to come home for dinner. We decided to watch Boyhood (biggest mistake). I wish I had known it all took place in Texas because as soon as I saw the scenes in Austin, I curled up on the couch and began to miss the city, the coffee shops and the people (shout-out to Jake Rosenhoover). Great concept for a movie, though.


In case you didn’t come across Instagram posts that consisted of flowers, chocolates, hearts, teddy bears and cliché quotes, this weekend was Valentine’s Day weekend. Friday, my sister and I had lunch with two friends at Kamiko. Kamiko is a sushi restaurant located in Doral. The sushi roll that stood out to me the most was the Catalina roll (shrimp, goat cheese, sundried tomato, avocado, salmon on top, miso, honey and almonds. To die for.) To take a look at their menu visit their site by clicking here. Saturday wasn’t Valentine’s Day, it was Galentine’s Day. My sister and I had some friends over for dinner, champagne and girl time.

New Socks   Sunday morning, my sister and I decided to have an “I Survived Valentine’s Day” brunch. What better way to do that than by attending PAMM and having brunch there? The Pérez Art Museum in Miami has a restaurant called Verde which offers brunch, lunch and dinner; Tuesday thru Sunday 11am-5pm and Thursday 11am-9pm. My sister and I both ordered the Lobster Benedict and Blood Orange Mimosas. A lot of people say that dishes tend to lose the taste of lobster, therefore claim that lobster is overrated and overpriced. Verde does an amazing job when it comes to this dish, all the tastes are very distinct and compliment each other perfectly. Ana, what about the Blood Orange Mimosa? It’s so bloody sublime. I will definitely be back to try out more of their menu. Now, if you would like to check out their menu, click here and save a spot by making a reservation online.

Brunch   We then proceeded to the museum to walk around. My favorite exhibit was Let’s Make the Water Turn Black by Geoffrey Farmer. It first caught my attention when I saw a hanging lightbulb in front of a door that kept twitching. I then saw a kid walk out that door and by the look on his face I knew I had to walk in. This exhibition a very theatrical exhibition; puppet-like figures made out of items someone can find on the daily (including lightbulbs) and music by Frank Zappa. It is a very weird but entertaining exhibit. It is beautifully chaotic.

To end the night my sister and I attended the Jessie J concert with some friends at the Fillmore Miami Beach. My goodness. I was not expecting Jessie J to be that good live. I highly recommend her show. Very energetic, very fun and very real. I respect her very much as an artist and sure will see her perform again live. Post concert, we all hung out in SoBe, playing charades and laughing until we cried ( My cheeks still hurt.)

Conclusion: Valentine’s Day Weekend didn’t suck like I expected it to.

Jessie J

Dear Human


You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love.Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up. Often. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering.

via @fillthe_soul